We gave up the ghost and Goose got her very first haircut tonight. She did pretty well. Here is a glimpse at our adventure.
She definitely rocked her mullet-esque hair for long enough. Here is a shot from the waiting area.
When it was our turn, Goose got to pick out which station she wanted to sit at based on the "chair."
She bypassed all of the girly cars and decided on this one. She was perfectly content, she had a new toy to play with. Then, Miss Brandy brought out the cape. That was enough to warrant a sucker. After that, it was smooth sailing.
Then the camera proved super exciting.
The end didn't go as smoothly as the rest, so this is the only picture we got at the salon.
However, here are a few I took on my phone when we got home in case you're curious what the end result looked like.