Since we had not been away alone together since our honeymoon (3.5 years ago). We decided to take advantage of Spring Break this year and take a trip to Breckenridge to get back to skiing. Here are some pictures from our trip and from Goose's get away to Grammy and Papa's.
We had an absolute blast. The sun was shining the entire time and the scenery was fantastic.
I would like to say that I think that Goose noticed we were gone. However, I am going to guess that we were hardly missed.
The day we dropped her off, Lucy got to go to coffee with Gaga and Papa.
Then, she went shopping. No, she did not actually get the bike, but she thought she would take it for a test "ride."
Shopping can work up a girl's appetite. It was snack time. She had no problem opening wide.
At the end of the day, she got to explore all the animals and fish at Bass Pro Shop. She was less than thrilled with the taxodermy, but enjoyed the fish and getting to stretch her legs.
This girl was not about to give up her yogurt to go to bed.
Coffee seems to be a morning ritual so Goose got in on the fun. She was able to enjoy milk steamers so she felt like a big kid. She had a blast. Steamers and scones seemed to be the breakfast of champions for the week.
It was shopping time. We sorely misjudged when we packed. It was unseasonably warm here in Rock Chalk land and so Gaga and Papa took Goose shopping for a few new items. This was a contender, but ended up getting left at the store.
We even got a goodnight wave that night.
Papa and Gaga thought that a tree swing would be a fun new addition. They searched high and low to find the best (read: safest) swing in town. It was a gigantic hit. Notice the different outfits? This is not after wardrobe changes, just day after day of "wing, Gaga (or Papa), wing"
Goose was able to enjoy some tasty barbecued ribs. She dug right in.
Goose was intrigued with the mini rubber duckie. She was hanging out getting ready to go shopping, again. According to Gaga, "That's what girls do on vacation."
One last trip for coffee started with her wanting to be a big girl and drink out of Gaga's cup.
Then it was a milk steamer and a scone.
Then it was off to check out the daffodils that were in bloom already.
You would think that she would have been stuffed. This girl likes to get her hands dirty when she eats.
Friday Fish Frys are always fun during Lent. We took Goose to see Nana and Grandpa when we got back. Here are a few of the highlights from the fish fry.
Happy Spring!