Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Lucy's Birthday Party

Last weekend was the formal celebration of Lucy's first birthday. There were family and friends, presents and most importantly, cake. It had all the makings of what a first birthday should be. Here are a few of the photo highlights...

Grandpa got a good dose of Goose's loving. He even made a point to not clash with the birthday girl's outfit.

Presents came first. Goose did fairly well at getting the wrapping paper off. A little help from mommy was a time saving strategy. Although, tissue paper in bagged gifts was no problem.

Grams and Lucy being entertained by a couple of the other little munchkins in our lives. 

We were lucky enough to have the lady that made our wedding cake make the cake for this occasion, as well. Mom did such a great job at bringing together all the aspects of a wonderful ladybug themed party. 

We fed the ladybug portion of the cake to Goose first. All she did was eat icing, not quite realizing the fluffy treat that lie beneath. So...

We fed her a piece of cake, instead. Here she is adorned in her party hat from Uncle Paul.

"This is sooooo good," she seemed to say. Good stuff, Maynard.

Well, the party was a smash and Goose filled her role as the messiest cake eater in the room perfectly. For mom and dad, this felt a little like a rite of passage; this was the first of many birthdays to come. Happy Birthday, Goose. We love you.
Mom and Dad

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


It's hard to believe a year ago today we welcomed our wonderful baby girl into our lives. I knew our lives were going to change, I just couldn't even begin to imagine how much everything would change for the better! Here's a look back at our little Goose's first year. Stay tuned for pictures from her birthday party.

I know that this isn't technically from Goose's first year, but going through pictures I found this from my pregnancy. I didn't realize just how BIG I got until I looked back at this picture taken 6 weeks before she was born.

This was technically the 19th since my induction took 2 days. Notice I am still happy to be there. I am glad that this picture is taken early in the day rather than later in the day when I started getting frustrated no progress was being made.

Our first family picture.

Getting ready to leave the hospital. She was swimming in this little outfit that I was worried would be too small. Oh well, shows what first time parents don't know :)

First week or so home.

First shopping trip with Grammy and Mommy.

I loved these onesies from Uncle Ry.

I loved this picture. She is so happy. This is when she started laughing and was oh so proud of herself.

Uncle Ry though he should start the New York thing early. This was the morning of Goose's Baptism.

Our little pumpkin was trying to figure out what was oozing from Nana and Papa's glass.

Watching the Jayhawks with Daddy.

Our first cereal experience.

This was the only picture we got with Santa before the photographer got an annoying little toy out that scared the heck out of our little Goose.

I think Uncle Ry is working on figuring out who this bib belongs on.

Got to love uncles and their ability to dress a baby. Uncle Paul seemed to think her bow should function more like a sweat band.

Great Grammy, Great Papa and Great Aunt Sandy couldn't make it down for Christmas, but came shortly after and saw Goose for the first time.

Our first snow experience!

I love this snuggly little look. She was out cold.

Some of my favorite 6 month pictures!

Our little Cheesehead even broke out the touchdown arms during the party.

9 month pictures!

Her first Royals game!!!

Goose was checking out the new puppies at Grammy and Papa's. She is getting more comfortable with them and Charley and Cooper and getting much more comfortable with her.

Memorial Day weekend at the pool. It was cold. I don't blame her for not being pumped.

One of my favorites. Cracks me up that she wanted something so bad she decided to go head first into her toy chest.

Oh happy day with Daddy!

Swimming with Nana while I was in Vegas for a girl's trip.

Cleaning out Daddy's wallet :)

I love this picture of Goose with her friend Ryan. He is a month younger than she is and Goose is just smitten with him. Cracks me up!

Goose was chilling at the St. Louis Zoo.

The last year has been an absolute whirlwind. We've loved every minute of it. I am so excited to see what is in store for us!!!